Just to Belong !

Posted by rekha | Reflections | Sunday 19 January 2014 2:40 pm

As I had woken up early before the break of dawn on a Sunday, I thought it was the perfect time for a  morning walk around our township. It was drizzling and dark with an occasional call  from a cuckoo or two ,  punctuating the silence. Calming and rejuvenating this  solitude is , bringing along with it  a sense of belonging  with nature …

As dawn broke, the scene came alive with everything around looking absolutely fresh from the rains .

The riot of colors around was a pretty sight to behold as I walked past many a flowering tree. They seemed to ooze a fresh spurt of life after the rains ,silently conversing with the passer by, of many tales untold  .

In the distance I could hear the peacocks cry. They were out after the rains , with the chicks in tow  and grazing around :  It was bliss – to savor  and live the moment.. just to belong.